Thursday, 11 September 2014

Free Fashion app

Hey bubbly bubbles! ITZ ME IM BACK YO!!! Jkjk.Its late nite but im here blogging for you guys.Love ya!Im promoting for you guys this app called 'Free Fashion ideas'.Its an app that is ssoooo popular and Freeeeee! DOWNLOAD IT RIGHT NOW! Whether its android or apple.Yum!Ahahaaa.Go ahead and download this.It has alot of fashion ideas to look upon.I in love this appp!

Bye now!:)love ya bubbles!!!!!

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

hey guys!

Urm so i've been so busy lately.actually i took a little bit of time from my busy day to write something for ya :) and..Im busy studying and im too tired to be blogging cuz' ill be tired right after studying. I can't use my phone and im here sneaking using it for you guys cuz i loooooooooooooooooooooooovvvveeee yall. Urm yah. Will be posting blogs and everything by the end of  October? Or later. Cuz im sooooooooooooo busy. Okie gtg now. bye!

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Thank you for your patience! I can't be posting cuz' i have more important things to do such as revision for my upcoming exam.I hope you'll understand!

Be back realll soon :) promise

Friday, 5 September 2014


Sorry i've not been posting.And ill be right back soon.Bye

Sunday, 31 August 2014


Hey bubbles!Sorry for posting late today.I am only contactable on weekdays as weekends i am occupied.I'll try posting more :) today is the best day ever:) Although my eyes are still aching,legs hurt,sleepy, I still had fun at the Singapore's SAF exhibition witu my family.I <3 RSAF.Thanks for protecting Singapore for as long as 45 years.Jiayou!I would really wanna join y'all in the team.I'll make our team the best.(as if ahaha) LOL.Got a new watch.Love it :) So sad that SAF exhibition will last for only until today :( I guess it's closed. :(( Don't be saaaddd.There will always be a next time (maybe next year lol) ahaha Btw,nites my bubbly bubbles!lysm! :* kisses!Be back real soonnnnn.


Saturday, 30 August 2014

I'd be back real soon

BYE!i'll be back real soon!In the meantime, stay bubbly! i love you!


Clothings that i love <3

These are two types of style i love to wear.They are casual.I'd really love to them with beanies and sneakers.Enjoy!

~love ya! BubblyFafa

Fashion trend 2014

Wedges,sneakers,beanies,dresses,cropped t-shirts are what is trending in Singapore for tennage girls these days.Have fun viewing the fashion clothing and style.

~xoxo BubblyFafa loves you!

Friday, 29 August 2014

Coping with stress..

Hey everyone! Have you ever experienced stress? Well, if it's a yes, great then! my health education teacher always says that having stress is a good thing as we can get things to get accomplished faster and faster. But, how do we cope stress? Just remember, if you are experiencing too much stress that can lead to depression, seek help as soon as possible!!! I don't want you to suffer and try 'stupid' things, okay? Go to a counsellor or someone you can talk to. Just ask them to lend a listening ear for you to share your problems. That could REALLY help. It's sad to hear people that suffers depression could lead themselves to cutting or committing suicide. Just think. If you do things like that, will it solve your problem? Will it make your future brighter? NO! Some of you guys out there might think by doing so, all your problems will vanished. I've learnt that some people to that to release pain or something but It's wrong. ASK SOMEONE FOR HELP. Please do so. Stay strong my dear. Everyone loves you. Ways to cope stress are such that..

Stay strong, healthy, and BUBBLY! Love yourselves, Believe in yourself, Be you. Live your live because #YOLO and hope I helped you!

~xoxo BubblyFafa loves you! muah! :*

What we actually mean?

What do we ACTUALLY mean when we speak to others..?

I'm tired=Will you massage me in my back and get me pancakes

Let's study=wanna hang¿

Lend me your smiggle pen=Let me have your smiggle pen

I don't like him=omg he's so cute and hot i love him!


I am ok=I'm lying,please help me

Ugh,I've done my homework=I've never done a single thing on my homework so can you lend me yours?


I love my nails!=I hate em'


Stupid=damn clever!

Yeah so those are the things that people actually meant...Lol don't take it seriously.I just made them up :) Thanks for reading love ya!

~xoxo BubblyFafa

Studying rules and tips...

We all know that studying is important.When exams or tests are near,I will be busy studying,memorizing all my work.What about you,Bubbles? Tips and rules for studying that I want to share with all of you!


Also, don't forget to ask your friends or teacher questions about topics you don't understand. Remember, always work hard. This will obviously benefit you, a lot. :)Click here for an awesome video on good study tips! By youtuber : Irosecouture (copyright)

Thank you for reading my blog I hope this helps you a lot! I'll talk to you all next time! kisses! :*


Thursday, 28 August 2014


Bye bubbles!I'll be back tommorow:) stay tune!In the meantime,stay BÜBBLŸ!!!


Hi again:) Okay,u've guys must be wondering,why di bubbly put the tittle as 'STOP'? There is a reason.Today,alot of things happen to me.Bad and...Quite a good thing. :7 I was so furious with a guy.I wasn't supposed to be in charged of those stuff but why is he pushing it to me?Okie.I'm so sorry.I'm just sad/disappointed. :)Why?because..

1.I was blamed for everything
2.The guy who i loved(no need to say names) was such a rude/heartless person.
3.I didn't do well for my exams.
4.Stupid things i do and people laugh
5.low self-esteem
6.Relationship problems
7.people harassing me
8.I became different.As in i 'changed'
9.Things go sooo wrong
10.I love live.But,how do i improve my life?

I also need to find a way to improve on my studies.Any suggestion?But still,love y'all so much. <3


MUAHAHA!my secret masterpiece.Demi Lovato's autograph.I got this for MY BIRTHDAY.Yeah! It was great to have her autograph with a bday wish.You can get want too at kik:) Demi's kik :Demzlovexoxo ©
Trust me, She's real:)I love all of you that is supporting me..<3 BE SURE TO CHECK OUT MORE OF MY POST :)

Hey Guys!

Im so;)))I love blogger and share your thoughts here tooo!

Poem to share...

I can't believe this is happening,
At last,i felt joy, happiness,
I'm finally Shining...
I'm now now in darkness,

Now I can walk on my own,
Do what I want,
This is a big milestone,
That god have grant,

I've now given freedom,
To be the best human I could be,
I'm now in the kingdom,
Called, 'Free'

                     ~  BubblyFafaSmiles

when going through hard times...

heyyyyy :) its me, bubblyfafasmiles! are you guys as bubbly as bubble?Yupeee!!!okay, as planned, i'll be talking about....when going through hard times! have you ever felt like this before?i have..:ooh,keep smiling okiee?ways how to overcome feelings of hard time..

                                                .Think positively..

                                               quotes are important.I always look at quotes...
I usually overcome it by telling someone.That would help:)
that's it!  talk to you guys soooonnn!

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Songs of the week [Luka by Ainan]  [Best Mistake by Ariana Grande feat. Big Sean live]

my karangan

Karangan Darjah 6BM (2014) - Karangan Terbaik 7 _____“Wohoo! Pasukan Jerman telah memenangi Piala Dunia 2014! Tidak sia-sia aku bertaruh wang dengan Alyph. Lambat laun, wang sepuluh dolar itu akan menjadi milik aku! Engkau sungguh bodoh, Alyph. Aku sudah kata, pasukan Argentina akan kalah! Hahaha! Alamak, sudah pukul 6.50 pagi? Aku sudah lambat untuk pergi ke sekolah!” teriak Fathris. _____Dengan segera, [1B] Fathris [2S] memakai pakaian seragam sekolahnya [3A] lalu bergegas keluar ke sekolah. Kesemua ahli keluarganya sudah keluar terlebih dahulu. Sikap Fathris yang selalu lepas tangan itu menyebabkan Cikgu Danial selalu memarahi Fathris. [4M] Fathris selalu datang lewat ke sekolah. [5M] Malah, dia juga tidak membuat kerja sekolah yang diberi oleh guru-gurunya. Fathris khuatir [6B] jika Cikgu Danial memarahinya lagi. Tiba-tiba, dia terdengar suara seseorang meminta tolong. _____“Alamak! Semua surat khabar aku sudah bersepahan! Macam mana boleh aku tidak terlihat batu kecil yang ada di depan aku. Geramnya! Adik! Tolong pak cik!” bebel Pak Cik Lim, seorang pengumpul barang lama. _____Kemudian, [1B] Fathris [2S] menoleh ke arah Pak Cik Lim. [3A] Fathris ambil berat. [4B] Dia ternampak Pak Cik Lim yang telah hilang imbangan. Surat-surat khabar yang telah dikumpul bersepahan di tepi jalan. [5M] Pak Cik Lim berasa sedih kerana surat-surat khabar yang dikumpulkan untuk dikitar semula bersepahan. [6B] _____“Tidak apa, Pak Cik Lim. Saya akan menolong angkat semua surat khabar pak cik,” pelawa Fathris. _____Dengan kelam-kabut, [1B] Fathris [2S] mengumpulkan surat-surat khabar itu dengan segera [3A] kerana waktu sudah pukul tujuh pagi dan Fathris sudah lewat untuk ke sekolah. [4M] Fathris besar hati kerana dapat menolong seseorang. [5B] Setelah semua surat khabar itu dikumpul, Fathris meletakannya di atas tempat duduk basikal. [6M] _____ “Terima kasih, Fathris! Pak Cik harus pergi sekarang. Jumpa lagi!” ucap Pak Cik Lim. _____Beberapa minit kemudian, [1B] Fathris [2S] melambaikan tangan kepada Pak Cik Lim [3A] tanda mengucapkan selamat tinggal. [4M] Fathris risau. Adakah dia akan dimarahi Cikgu Danial? [5B] Fathris seperti lipas kudung berjalan ke sekolah. [6M] Akhirnya, Fathris sampai di sekolah. Fathris menaiki tangga untuk pergi ke kelas. Setelah sampai di depan pintu kelas, Fathris ternampak Cikgu Danial merenung ke arah Fathris dengan wajah berang. _____“Fathris! Masuk sekarang! Kenapa kamu lewat sekali lagi? Saya dapat tahu tentang kamu dan Alyph. Wang pertaruhan itu haram! Kenapa awak lakukan sedemikian? Saya kecewa. Kamu akan didenda!” jerit Cikgu Danial, berang. _____Setelah mendengar kata gurunya, [1B] Fathris meminta maaf [2A] daripada Cikgu Danial [3S] lalu duduk di tempat duduknya. [4M] Fathris menyesal [5B] kerana tidak mendengar nasihat Cikgu Danial. [6M] Fathris berjanji untuk berbaik budi sejak hari itu. _____“Fathris, saya akan memberikan awak satu lagi peluang. Jangan buat lagi!” kata Cikgu Danial. _____Tiba-tiba, [1B] Fathris berasa gembira [2M]. [3B] Dia [4S] tidak sangka bahawa dia akan mendapat satu lagi peluang [5A] kerana Cikgu Danial sebenarnya seorang yang keras hati. [6M] Cikgu Danial memaafkan Fathris. _____ “Yay! Terima kasih, Cikgu. Saya sayang Cikgu!” kata Fathris. (Isi karangan telah diperbaiki.) Oleh: Nurfaizah Binte Shariff 6 United Sekolah Chongfu Markah: Isi - 20 Bahasa - 17 Ulasan guru: :)

jadilah arif budiman

Kuiz Arif Budiman 1. Cadangkan apakah yang perlu seseorang guru lakukan kepada seseorang murid yang pemalas. 2. Apakah seseorang murid yang pemalas lakukan agar dia sentiasa dihormati dan disanjungi guru-guru dan kawan-kawan? 3. Apakah cara yang terbaik untuk seseorang guru lakukan agar murid-muridnya menjadi arif dan budiman? 4. Apakah cara terbaik seseorang murid menunjukkan sifat arif dan budiman? 5. Apakah hukuman yang sesuai bagi murid-murid pemalas dan pembohong? 6. Patutkah seorang guru yang berdedikasi menerima sikap-sikap buruk pelajar-pelajarnya? Mengapa?
time fast..what should we do?